Department 56's Disneyland Haunted Mansions Have Materialized!
Kids, ghouls, ghosts and goblins alike will love this Department 56's Disneyland Haunted Mansion. This detailed replica captures the spooky aura of this world famous Disney attraction with a highly detailed exterior. The iconic facade is painted on to an architectural piece which creates a multi-dimensional look right at home in your Village. It would be hard for any collector to resist adding this unique piece to their own Kingdom.

We should all be familiar with the Haunted Mansion. Located in Disneyland and Walt Disney World, the attraction has spooked and delighted countless guests for over 50 years. Now you can bring that spirit home and set it up as the centerpiece to your Halloween decor this year.

Made of durable poly-resin, this building has been handcrafted and hand-painted for a realistic look. While the piece was originally set to release as a ceramic, production was switched to poly-resin in the Spring of 2021. While a limited amount of the ceramic version was made, obviously that change happened for a reason? What was it?
We aren't exactly sure why the Haunted Mansion was changed to resin, but we can guess. The ceramic version is nearly 7 pounds. This piece is quite detailed with dozens on intricate points and tiny carved pumpkins. Poly-resin like the best option, especially if they were to materialize in the Parks.
The interior lights illuminate consistently, while the four colored LED's on the lawn are bright, and feature a consistent flashing. While their isn't an option to stop the flashing, one suggestion if it is too bright for everyday use is to lightly coat the LED's with a grunge glaze or wax to antique the lights and dim them.
Some retailers were able to secure the ceramic pieces, but they won't last long! The poly-resin version is set to materialize October 2021.
All in all I am very impressed with the details and quality of this piece. As if we could expect anything less from Walt Disney and the rarely licensed ghostly phenomenon that is The Haunted Mansion. The Suggested MSRP for the Mansion is $289, while the Hitchhiking ghost accessory is $70.
We still have a few pre-orders available for the resin version here.